Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Triumph and Victory


Photo of a Scripture verse

“And having disarmed the powers
and authorities, he made a public
spectacle of them, triumphing
over them by the cross.”
—Colossians 2:15

The significance of the cross on which Jesus died holds so much rich detail that it has prompted thousands of writers to pen volumes about this most significant event in human history. Jesus’ death in our place gave us victory over sin. His resurrection gave us victory over death. His ascension to heaven gave us an advocate who sits at the right-hand of God the Father, making intercession for us.

One of the most daring aspects of the cross is described by the Apostle Paul in Colossians 2:15:

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.

Jesus was a man of victory. He defeated every attempt that Satan made to trick Him. Unlike Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, where Satan seemingly easily convinced the first humans to disobey God, Jesus held firm to His place of preeminence.

As we begin a new day, we can take comfort in the fact that we belong to a victorious King. He has never lost a battle. He has defeated the most terrible of foes. And, He has done this in our behalf. So, let’s press onward along the pathway that God has laid out for us. And, let’s more and more become people of victory—victorious over sin in our lives and victorious in representing our Savior well to a world that needs His healing touch.


Based on a blog originally posted on Monday, June 4, 2018

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