Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Guarding Our Behavior


Photo of a Scripture verse

“Live such good lives among the pagans
that, though they accuse you of doing
wrong, they may see your good deeds and
glorify God on the day he visits us.”
—1 Peter 2:12

More and more in the days ahead, Christians will come under criticism and false accusations. Because of Christians taking a biblical stand against evil, those who perpetrate evil will do every possible thing in their power to vilify those who follow Christ. This is not a new phenomenon. It has happened over and over down through the pages of history.

What should a Christian’s response be to such a hostile environment? The Apostle Peter offers these words in 1 Peter 2:12:

Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.

We believers must focus on doing good and on being good. We must live our lives above reproach. Even when we are accused of hatred, we need to keep loving those who accuse us. Even when some people make physical attacks against us and try to destroy us, we must show the gracious love of Jesus, as we respond to their attacks.

While some may think things are getting better and better, this defies what is actually happening in our world. Values held dear by followers of Jesus are constantly under a severe attack. If we are to remain faithful at the beginning of this new day, and every subsequent day, we must determine to follow Peter’s advice. We must focus on living lives that will honor Christ and show His faithful love in all that we do and say.

Even when we speak against evil—or, perhaps, especially when we speak against evil—we must do so with humility, tenderness, and kindness. It is possible to take a strong stand on behalf of righteousness, but to do so in as loving a way as possible.


Based on a blog originally posted on Tuesday June 12, 2018

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