Thursday, June 13, 2024

Be Exalted, O Lord


Photo of a Scripture verse

“Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength;
we will sing and praise your might.”
—Psalm 21:13

Whenever we read from the Psalms, we can take delight—great delight—from the fact that whatever we’re reading was intended as a song. Those of us who really enjoy singing, can recognize the privilege we have to sing along with the saints from the ages, including the millions of God’s chosen people.

Even if we only sing privately, perhaps while beginning our day in the shower, we can recognize that God delights in the songs of His people. That’s right. God delights in the songs of His people. As we begin this new day, let’s look at just one verse from Psalm 21:13:

Be exalted, O Lord, in your strength; we will sing and praise your might.

It’s as if King David, the author of this song, wanted to tell the people, “Now, listen up! This is what we’re going to be singing about today!” Then, he proceeds to tell them, and God as well, that today’s song will focus on exalting God because of His incredible strength and praising His unimaginable might. God is so very strong and so very powerful that we do well to praise Him for His strength and might.

Let’s not lose sight of the great joy that is ours in singing praises to this powerful and mighty God who loves us with His everlasting, unfailing, unending love. And, let’s keep fully in our minds and hearts at all times that God delights in the songs of His people.


Based on a blog originally posted on Wednesday, June 13, 2018

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