Monday, June 10, 2024

God: Solid and Unmovable


Photo of a Scripture verse

“Your statutes stand firm; holiness adorns
your house for endless days, O Lord.”
—Psalm 93:5

Do you like things to mostly stay the same? Said another way, do you prefer things that do not change?

The Gregorc Mind Styles™ Model defines four distinct ways in which people are pre-wired to take in information, process that information, and then order that information out. One of those Mind Styles is called the “Concrete Sequential” or “CS” Mind Style.

The dominant CS individual does not like change. Rather, the more steady, more solid, more unmovable something or someone is, the better. The dominant CS individual likes rules and regulations very much.

In contrast, the “Concrete Random” or “CR” Mind Style is always looking for something new. This quest for newness drives the dominant CR individual to look for ways that change can provide him or her with new energy and excitement. The dominant CR individual believes that rules do not apply to him or her.

While Dr. Anthony Gregorc asserts that every human possesses all four Mind Styles, each individual has a dominant Mind Style from which the person normally interacts with himself or herself and the world around him or her. When circumstances require, each person can pull a non-dominant Mind Style up onto the stage and operate within that Mind Style, at least for a time.

As a dominant CS, I can attest that the more solid and unmovable someone or something is, the more comfortable I am, the more at ease, the more at peace. I really don’t like change.

One of the huge contrasts between Christianity and many of the other world religions is that our God is solid and unmovable. He doesn’t change. He stays steadfast. We don’t have to wonder in any given moment what mood He will be in, or what feelings He may have toward us when we approach Him. The Psalmist puts it this way in Psalm 93:5:

Your statutes stand firm; holiness adorns your house for endless days, O Lord.

A significant part of God’s holiness is His unchanging nature. He is always the same. His holiness is often expressed in His rules or statutes. Those rules do not change because God does not change.

As we begin a new day, we can do so with the sure knowledge that God loves us and that He will always love us. He has a plan for us and He will always have a plan for us. He has desires for us to become holy and He will always desire this. Knowing that God doesn’t change should help us more easily fall into His arms of love and grace. And that, dear ones, is so very, very good.


Based on a blog originally posted on Friday, June 8, 2018

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