Wednesday, February 3, 2016

God Showed Us His Love


[Painting of Jesus on the cross with words superimposed]

“…God showed his love among us…”
—1 John 4:9a

In the early days of a romance, both parties look for signs of love. This is especially true if one party has begun to feel himself or herself falling in love with the other person.

Does he seem to love me? Do I see any sign of love from her?

Long before either party is willing to say the words “I love you,” each one is trying to find evidence that love has begun to bloom in the other.

When it comes to the love that God has for those He has chosen to belong to Himself, what signs do we see that tell us He really does love us?

The Apostle John offers these words of evidence in 1 John 4:9:

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him.

The sacrifice of God’s Son, Jesus, in our behalf on Calvary’s cruel cross is the most telling evidence of God’s love for us. What more evidence could we possibly require?

Knowing without a doubt that God loves us with His unfailing, undying love, let us go out into this day with great joy and share the knowledge of His love with others.

God has shown us His love. Now let us live our lives through Him.


Copyright © 2016 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.