Monday, October 20, 2014

Doing Something New


[Photo of a brick wall with words superimposed]

“He who was seated on the throne said, ‘I am making everything new!’”
—Revelation 21:5a

I’m always amazed by people who constantly seek out new adventures, new places to visit, new recipes, new challenges, new friends, new skills, new… Well, you get the idea.

One of the characteristics of people who have been pre-wired by God to have a dominant Concrete-Random Mind Style™ is that they constantly thirst for the “new” in their lives. New projects, new ideas, new venues, all define the life of a dominant C-R.

The downside for such individuals is that they are good at starting, but poor at finishing.

For example, one church leader started each new church year with an exciting new book he had read over the summer. He bought copies for all his board members. He planned to study the book with them throughout the year.

But, in his six years at the church, he never finished his study with the board of any of the books. Before the board could finish the first book, the leader had moved on to another new and exciting book.

Just as before, the pastor bought copies for the board members and the whole process started over again. The board members never received the kind of benefit they could have received if the pastor had only stuck to a book and studied all the way to its conclusion.

In business, in churches, and in life we need the Concrete-Randoms. They are the ones who fairly burst with new ideas. They are the ones who embody an entrepreneurial spirit. But, they need the other three dominant Mind Styles™ to implement their ideas and to bring projects to fulfillment.

One of the amazing qualities of our Lord Jesus Christ is that He posses all four Mind Styles™ in perfectly equal measure. Thus, He not only brings newness to our existence, giving us a whole new life, He perfectly implements that new life through the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit.

The Apostle John learned this first hand when he recorded these words of our Lord in Revelation 21:5:

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

If we will seek newness in our lives this day, through the Presence of the living Lord Jesus Christ within us, we will surely experience the reality that He is making all things new.


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