Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Look to the Heavens and Learn


Photo of a Scripture verse

“The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.”
—Psalm 19:1-2

How often do you look up into the sky? Okay, I know as a child you may have laid on your back in some field, or on a rooftop, and stared upward. On a sunny day, you could watch the birds fly, and you might even have seen the contrails of a jet aircraft, as it made its way to some far off destination.

Similarly, one night at just the right time of the year, you might have observed the moon, the stars, or even some distant planet. But, whenever you looked upward, you had a sense of wonder and amazement. You knew that the universe was some place bigger than where you lived. You sensed that some all-powerful Creator had put it all into place. For a moment, you even thought that God did all that just for you.

We sometimes forget how wonderful those childhood experiences were. How open we were to the thoughts that flooded our minds and imagination. How glorious it was to have limitless possibilities set before us.

I’m an old man now. But, I can still remember those days. They were so filled with promise, and hope, and even a bit of longing for a peek at what was to come. Now, I have experienced many things that have robbed me—just a bit—of that openness and free-floating thinking that seemed so easy as a child. But, God has not changed. We can still see the glory of who He is by looking upward to the skies above. That’s what King David was writing about when he declared in Psalm 19:1-2:

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.

We can still learn from the heavens. We can still look upward and see the handiwork of God. We can glory in what God has created. We can honor, magnify, and worship Him for who He is. We can declare His mighty power. We can speak words of exaltation. We can show His heart of love.

This new day, let’s make an effort to look upward and learn from the heavens. Let’s point the way to others that they may see who God is and have the same joy in their hearts that we have in our hearts. That will be a fitting testimony to this wonderful God who loves us so very much.


Based on a blog originally posted on Wednesday, September 19, 2018

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