Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Listening to God


Photo of a Scripture verse

He says, “Be still, and know that I am
God; I will be exalted among the
nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”
—Psalm 46:10

One of the things that believers in the Lord Jesus Christ learn, sooner or later, is to listen to what God says. In the vast majority of cases, that means “listening” to what God says through His written Word, the Bible.

Fortunately, the more a Christian reads God’s written Word, the more a Christian comes to appreciate the beauty and elegance of God’s “voice.” That’s why spending time reading the Bible is such an important discipline in the life of one who follows Jesus.

The Psalmists have captured many wonderful truths from God. This makes the Psalms an important, even cherished, part of most believers’ favorite readings. Psalm 46:10 is no exception. Here, the Sons of Korah have penned an important truth, reporting what God says:

He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

How often we need to be reminded to just stop whatever we are doing, get ourselves to some place where we can wait in quiet, and allow the “knowing” of the Holy Spirit to wash over us. If you haven’t had that experience lately, I wholeheartedly commend it to you.

As we begin another new day, let’s take time to be still and know that God is the great “I Am.” He is worthy of our devotion. He is worthy of our time. He is worthy of our attention. He is worthy of us recognizing Him.

Know that God is exalted above all the nations. Know that God is exalted in the earth that He created and in us, His dearly loved children. Know that every beat of our hearts, every breath that we take, come to us as a precious gift from this magnificent and wonderful-beyond-all-measure God. Yes, dear ones, listening to God—that’s the way to start this day!


Based on a blog originally posted on Tuesday, September 18, 2018

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