Thursday, September 24, 2020

Holding Tightly


[Photo at sunrise of uplifted hands]

Therefore do not throw away your confidence,
which has a great reward. For you have need
of endurance, so that when you have done the
will of God you may receive what is promised.
—Hebrews 10:35-36

The other day, I noticed a billboard along the Interstate highway. It read:

“When the going gets tough, most people curl up into a ball and begin to cry!”

I did a double-take and looked at the sign again. Sure enough! That’s what the billboard declared. I could hardly believe what I had read. And, worst off from a marketing standpoint, I have no idea what product that billboard intend to sell.

Maybe at this time of extreme stress from the COVID-19 Pandemic, riots and looting in the streets of our cities, increased crime, downward spiraling morals, harsh political divide, and a host of other problems, we’re all supposed to just curl up into a ball and sob our way through each day.

In contrast, in the Scipture verses at the beginning of this blog post, the writer of the letter to the Hebrews urges his readers to hold onto their confidence because such a holding tightly has great reward. He continues by pointing out that his readers have a need for endurance to keep on obediently doing exactly what God wants them to do, so that they will receive what God has promised.

It’s certainly true that in saving us from the penalty of our sins, through the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, God has asked only one thing of us: He wants us to become obedient to His perfect will for our lives. To grasp onto God’s will, we must surrunder our own fatally flawed and selfish human will and turn our four human modalities—heart, soul, mind, and strength—over to His steadfast and immutable will.

As we begin another new day, we can rejoice in the fact that we have a definite pathway to follow along the road of life: obedience to God’s will for us. And, we have help along the way through the power of the in-dwelling Holy Spirit. That should give us the ability to hold fast to our confidence, knowing that our confidence rests in the God who loves us with His everlasting, unfailing, undying love.


Copyright © 2020 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.