Thursday, May 21, 2020

Always Close By


[Graphic of a saying]

“The Lord blessed the latter part of
Job’s life more than the former part.”
—Job 42:12

Each one faces little annoyances in the course of our daily lives. But sometimes, something really big happens that knocks us flat.

Perhaps its the loss of a loved one, the dissolution of a marriage, a devastating accident, the termination of employment, a major health crisis, a worldwide pandemic, or some other tragic event. Whatever this intrusion into our lives may consist, it throws us for a loop. We become flabergasted, gobsmacked, frightened, confused, or depressed.

Consider the Patriarch, Job. His devotion to God was tested in a striking way. He lost his children and all of his possessions along with his health. But, the tragedy of Job’s life was not the end of his story.

Take note of these closing words to Job’s narrative, as recorded in the Book of Job 42:12-16:

The Lord blessed the latter part of Job’s life more than the former part. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand yoke of oxen and a thousand donkeys. And he also had seven sons and three daughters.

The first daughter he named Jemimah, the second Keziah and the third Keren-Happuch. Nowhere in all the land were there found women as beautiful as Job’s daughters, and their father granted them an inheritance along with their brothers.

After this, Job lived a hundred and forty years; he saw his children and their children to the fourth generation.

God has an absolutely perfect plan for each one of us who belong to Him. In the midst of the trials and tragedies of our lives, we need to learn how to fall backwards into the safety of His loving arms.

His amazing love is always present. His unfailing caring is always there to buffer whatever may befall us. He truly wants the very best for us. And, His perfect plan—no matter how difficult it may be for us to see in the moment of our crisis—always holds the key to the success of our future.


Copyright © 2020 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.