Wednesday, May 6, 2020

A Conversation on a Plane


[Photo of a man with his arm raised in obedience]

 “And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands.”
 —2 John 1:6a

Not long ago, we celebrated Holy Week. I remembered a conversation I had on an airplane the week between Palm Sunday and Easter more than fifteen years ago. It was an early morning Delta flight from Hartford to Atlanta. I sat quietly in my seat with my Bible open to the Psalms.

“Are you a Christian?” my seatmate asked?

“I am,” I replied.

“I’ve never understood what Christianity’s all about,” he continued. “What’s the main thing?”

As I pondered how to answer, I thought of a gospel song I had learned as a teen: “I Surrender All.” I realized that this song describes what following Jesus is all about—surrendering my will to His will.

Here’s a video of one of my long-time favorite groups, Max Mace and The Heritage Singers, with their rendition of this song. I hope you enjoy it.

[Graphic of a play video icon]

As this song played in my head, I had the privilege of very gently and tenderly sharing with my seatmate what following Christ meant to me. He asked a number of questions. I tried to carefully answer each one.

As we landed in Atlanta, he thanked me for sharing with him. Did he eventually become a Christian? I don’t know. But, I felt very honored and grateful that I had the opportunity to talk with him. I hope that I planted a seed in his heart and mind that God would water and bring to bud.

As we, each one, strive to remain faithful to the calling God has given us, may God grant each one of us a soul-enriching week, as we remember each day the sacrifice Christ made for us on the Cross.


Copyright © 2020 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.