Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tomorrow, Tomorrow


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do
not know what a day may bring forth.”
—Proverbs 27:1

In our lives, tomorrows play a significant role. I can remember as a child always looking forward to something that would happen in the future. My dad used to tell me, “Son, don’t wish your life away.” In other words, don’t focus so much on what will happen in the future that you miss what’s happening right now. That was actually good advice—and it’s still good advice.

Nevertheless, we all spend time thinking about tomorrow and what might happen in the future. During certain times of the year, we look forward to celebrating holidays. I still can hardly get my mind around the fact that, in our culture of today, Christmas decorations, even visits from Santa Claus, now come in late October, or even earlier. It’s as if we can’t wait a few weeks anymore. We have to begin focusing on what’s coming as early as possible. Tomorrow plays such an important part in most of our lives.

Do you know the song “Tomorrow” from the musical Annie? It’s actually quite a delightful song, with music by Charles Strouse and lyrics by Martin Charnin. Here are the lyrics:

The sun will come outTomorrow
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There’ll be sun!

Just thinkin’ about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
’Til there’s none!

When I’m stuck with a day
That’s grey,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,

The sun will come out
So ya gotta hang on
’Til tomorrow
Come what may

I love ya

You’re always
A day

I love ya

You’re always
A day

In contrast with our natural human interest in tomorrow, King Solomon offers these wise words, found in Proverbs 27:1:

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth.

As we begin another new day, let’s stay focused on today. Tomorrow will eventually come. But, until it does, we need to stay in the here and now. For right now is when we have the most opportunity to impact someone else’s life. We should not squander that opportunity because we’re focusing too much on tomorrow.


Copyright © 2020 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.