Monday, March 2, 2020

Come and Learn


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

“Come, my children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the Lord.”
—Psalm 34:11

At some time in our lives, most of us find ourselves eager to learn. Perhaps it was the first time mom or dad allowed you to use your Learner’s Permit to take the car out for a drive under their close supervision. Maybe it was when mom allowed you to bake your first cake all by yourself. Perhaps it was the first time that dad allowed you to use his power tools.

I became fascinated with radio broadcasting as a ten-year-old in fifth grade. I had been given a small radio of my own. I spent many hours tuning across the dial in the evening trying to pick up some distant powerful station. Then, I discovered the Dewey Decimal System’s section in the library labeled 621.384. This section covered radio broadcasting. I checked out every book and read each one voraciously. I was very eager to learn all I could about radio broadcasting.

King David developed a similar zeal to learn all he could about God. David wanted to know as much as he possibly could about this One who had chosen him to rule as King over Israel. Notice what David writes in Psalm 34:11:

Come, my children, listen to me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord.

As with previous uses of the word “fear” in this Psalm, David means “supreme reverence.” So, David is inviting the children to come and learn about the supreme reverence that is due to the God who loves them.

As we begin another new day, we do well to gather around a trusted teacher and learn all we can about the God who has chosen us to belong to Himself. We can spend time studying God’s written Word, the Bible, wherein we will find out what He has revealed to us about Himself. We can learn about the supreme reverence that is due our wonderful God. And, we can learn more and more about the depth of His love for us.


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