Friday, March 27, 2020

Safely Hidden


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

“You are my hiding place; you will protect me from
trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.”
—Psalm 32:7

Those of us whom God has called to Himself and have become His dearly loved children, through the sacrifice and blood of God’s Son, Jesus, have many, many reasons to praise and thank God for who He is and for what He has done for us. In fact, we meet for worship each week precisely so that, as a corporate body of believers, we can do just that. But, it is also good for us, as we begin each new day, to choose some one thing that God has done for us and thank Him for His goodness toward us.

In my own life, I could choose to thank Him for preserving my life in the face of serious health issues. God has literally snatched me from death on several occasions. I believe God has done this for me because He is not yet finished using me in this life—hopefully and solely for His glory.

Throughout the Psalms, we find songs written to praise God for specific things He is to the Psalmist, or for specific things He has done for the Psalmist. In our Scripture passage for today, we find just such a declaration of praise and thanksgiving. Notice what King David has written in Psalm 32:7:

You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.

Here David acknowledges that God provides a safe place in which David can hide from those who would destroy him. He also gives praise that God celebrates David’s deliverance from those enemies by singing songs of deliverance.

Can you imagine how beautiful God’s singing voice must be? One of the most magnificent things we will experience in eternity is that we will hear God sing. I have a strong sense that each of us will hear a very unique and powerful singing voice that will touch the deepest part of our hearts and fill us with wonder, awe, and insurmountable joy.

As we begin this new day, let’s remember to thank God for some special thing He has done for us. We can never overdo our praise. God wants to hear our words of thanksgiving and praise. They rise to Him like the aroma of sweet incense. The cherubim who surround God’s throne hear our words of praise and then echo them back in a chorus that magnifies our praise. And that, dear ones, is a sound that causes all eternity to stop what they’re doing so they can hear the breathtaking majesty of praise to God.


Copyright © 2020 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.