Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Call to Worship


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

“Glorify the Lord with me; let
us exalt his name together.”
—Psalm 34:3

The church you attend may no longer have a formal “Call to Worship.” Instead, particularly if you attend a church that uses Contemporary Christian Music, you may have a praise song that calls the congregation to worship.

I happen to attend an Evangelical Presbyterian Church that, unlike many churches of that denomination, uses a semi-liturgical form of worship and more traditional church music. We begin each Worship Service with a responsive “Call to Worship” led by a Liturgist—usually the Pastor.

Often based on a Psalm, the Call to Worship consists of the Liturgist reading one line from the Psalm and the congregation reading the next line, back and forth, with the last line often consisting of the words, “Let us worship God!”

The Psalms are overflowing with words that can easily comprise a Call to Worship. One of those passages is found in Psalm 34:3:

Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.

What a fitting way to begin a time of corporate worship. We invite each other to glorify the Lord and join together to exalt His name.

As we begin this new day, we can also call ourselves to worship by reading appropriate Psalms. Then, we can spend a few moments telling God what we appreciate about Him. Such an effort on our part is time well spent at the beginning of a new day. We consciously place the focus of our lives back on God. We remind ourselves, and Him, how important He is to us. And, we reap the benefit of knowing that we have told Him how much we love and appreciate Him for exactly who He is in our lives.


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