Friday, January 3, 2020

Don't Envy a Violent Man


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

“Do not envy a violent man or choose any of
is ways, for the Lord detests a perverse man
but takes the upright into his confidence.”
—Proverbs 3:31-32

Did you ever see someone who seemed really tough and wish you could become more like that person? Maybe that kind of feeling is just a “boy thing.” Most young boys look up to real people, or comic book heroes, who are big, strong, and tough. Almost no one identifies with a powder-puff weakling. It’s always the superhero who gains the attention.

But, in life, the tough guys are also often the bad guys. Of course, there are exceptions. United States Marines are tough guys and not bad guys. So, are Navy Seals and Army Rangers. But, for the most part, the toughest guys are gangsters, or bullies, or otherwise bad dudes.

Women are not exempt either. There are tough women who also fit into the “bad person” category. Their toughness is usually magnified by deviousness and treachery. Naturally, some very strong women are kind and fair. But, for the most part, when we think of “tough” women, we think of violent ones, or nasty individuals who would just as soon stab someone as look at them.

In sharp contrast are those who follow Jesus. There’s nothing wrong with God-given strength. But, violence and toughness of the basest kind has no part among Kingdom warriors. Notice what King Solomon wrote, as recorded in Proverbs 3:31-32:

Do not envy a violent man or choose any of his ways, for the Lord detests a perverse man but takes the upright into his confidence.

There is no room for violence in the Kingdom of God. “Wait a minute,” you say. “Didn’t God send the Israelites to destroy their enemies? Wasn’t that violent?” Yes, of course it was. But, it wasn’t violence for violence sake.

The God of justice was “rewarding” the sinfulness and godlessness of the people who had rejected His overtures of love, joy, and peace. Their rampant sinfulness caused Him to send His chosen people to destroy them. The just reward of those people whom God destroyed serves as a cautionary tale for all those who choose to reject God, His holiness, His righteousness, and His judgment. That God-directed punishment is something quite different from the kind of violence that springs forth for no good reason and wreaks havoc.

As we begin a new day, we need to guard our minds and hearts against violence of all kinds. We need to put off any prospect of physical violence. And, even more so, we need to put aside any form of mental, emotional, or intellectual violence, as well. Our words can hurt someone as deeply as the wound of a sword. Even in our zeal for what we believe in deeply, we need to make certain we are not using hurtful, sharp, condemning words.

God celebrates strength under control. That’s one of the many reasons He has given us His Holy Spirit. The Spirit will help us remain strong without any tendency toward violence in the things we do and the words we say. We do so much better when we lay aside every attempt of our enemy to drag us into violence.


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