Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Should We Do?


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

“About midnight Paul and Silas were praying
and singing hymns to God, and the other
prisoners were listening to them.”
—Acts 16:25

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you turned to a friend and said, “What should we do? What in the world should we do?” We all tend to wonder what we should do when we’re faced with a difficult and trying situation.

The Apostle Paul and his companion, Silas, had been thrown into a Roman prison because they prayed and brought healing to a slave woman who was possessed by a spirit of divination. In other words, this evil spirit that had occupied the woman gave the woman power to predict the future. When Paul and Silas prayed and cast the demon out of the woman, her owners became angry that she could no longer make money for them. So, they had Paul and Silas arrested.

Sitting in the dark, dank cell of this Roman prison, Paul and Silas likely asked themselves, “What should we do?” Then, they did something most unexpected. Dr. Luke picks up this story, as recorded in Acts 16:25:

About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.

Yes, that’s what Paul and Silas decided to do. In a moment of great inconvenience and difficulty, they prayed and sang hymns of praise to God, most likely from the Psalms. I wonder if we would have made such a choice?

As we begin a new day, let’s determine to do the unexpected when we face difficult circumstances. Let’s not waste our time worrying or complaining. Instead, let’s turn to God in prayer and sing songs of praise to Him. Those seem like much better things to do. Okay?


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