“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” |
—Jeremiah 33:3 |
Have you ever embarked on a database search and received a “File not found” message? In my early personal computer days, I worked using a software called dBase II. The most dreaded message any dBase II programmer could ever receive was “End of file found unexpectedly.” This message indicated that the database has become corrupted and whatever the user was searching for could not now be found.
In our spiritual lives, we will never receive a “File not found” message from God. In fact, quite the opposite is true. The Prophet Jeremiah records these words of God in Jeremiah 33:3:
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.”
When we call on God in prayer, He promises to tell us “great and unsearchable things” that we do not know. No matter what prompts our prayer of searching, God has all the answers—even for those things that others may consider “unsearchable.”
Yes, there are times when we ask something of God in prayer and we don’t receive an immediate answer that we can discern. In those times, God is asking patience of us while He works out the situation for our benefit. No matter what may happen, we have the confidence to know that, in God’s great plan for us, He will never allow something to happen that is not somehow for our benefit. This is especially true when we cannot conceive of how what is happening could possible benefit us.
God is the One who reveals the “unsearchable.” Let’s keep that in mind as we begin a new day. Knowing that God’s magnificent power is always pointed at making our lives better and more in tune with the people He wants us to become should quell our fears and doubts and give us freedom to follow His leading wherever it might take us.