When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” |
—John 8:12 |
Two days ago, I wrote a blog post based on Matthew 5:14, where Jesus tells His disciples that they are the light of the world. A reasonable question to ask:
“What is the source of that light?”
The answer should seem quite obvious: Jesus is the source of that divine illumination. He is the One whose eternal glory shines forth like the brightest star in the sky. He is the source of all that is holy, perfect, and glorious.
It’s no surprise that the angels of heaven came to the shepherds on the hillside above the humble stable in Bethlehem and proclaimed the birth of the baby Jesus. The choir of angels declared Jesus’ lordship over all the earth. They were acknowledging what they already had experienced in heaven, as the Light of Jesus’ magnificent Presence had filled all of heaven with glorious divine Light.
So it is within the core of each believer. It’s Jesus who fills our hearts and minds with a Light that surpasses all other sources of illumination. Jesus declares this truth, in His own words, as found in John 8:12:
… “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
If we follow Jesus, we will never walk in darkness. The darkness of sin, death, and Satan can no longer envelope us with a gloom that nothing else can dispel. Jesus brings a holy Light into our lives and enables us to share that Light with others. As we begin a new day, let’s rejoice that our pathway is clearly illuminated by our wonderful Savior and Lord. We can see the path because of the Light of His Presence in our lives.