“I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.” |
—Psalm 69:30 |
Whenever we really like someone and hold that one in high esteem, if someone asks us we usually become very quick to share all of the positive things we know about that person. We readily do this because giving honor and praise to this one we hold dear tends to often reflect back on us, as well.
God has graciously allowed me to have the opportunity in my life to become friends with a few truly important people. I have never taken advantage of these relationships and consider myself very fortunate to have had the privilege of knowing these individuals. Some of them have contributed greatly to Christ and His Kingdom. Others have allowed the presence of Christ in their minds and hearts to very positively influence their work lives and their personal lives.
When it seems helpful and appropriate, I have spoken well of these individuals, just as I routinely speak well of all the people God has brought into my life. I imagine you have done the very same thing. We genuinely tend to enjoy telling others the good things about the people who are important to us.
King David felt the very same way we do. David enjoyed greatly giving honor and praise to someone whom he felt was extremely important to his daily life—someone David considered a dearly loved friend and companion. He captures this practice in these words he wrote in Psalm 69:30:
I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving.
David freely praised God’s name and gave glory to Him. David did this because God meant so very much to him on the most intimate and personal level. That’s the way we, who belong to God through His Son Jesus, should feel, as well. The fact that we belong to God is the most important relationship we have. God’s great importance to us should prompt us to glorify and praise Him for who He is.
At the beginning of this new day, let’s not hesitate to tell others how much God means to us. Let’s freely share all of the wonderful qualities He has shown us in our relationship with Him. And, let’s recognize that praising God and giving Him glory also reflects back onto us. His divine Presence in our lives gives us a “holy glow” that He uses to draw others to Himself. And, that, dear ones, is an amazing and wonderful part of our reality.