“Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous one.” |
—Psalm 112:4 |
It is the rare individual who does not, from time to time, feel the weight of the world come crashing into that one’s life. In fact, in times when most people would normally expect to feel the greatest happiness, some folks feel a particular weight of care. They have lost loved ones. They have suffered personal attacks. They have been dismissed from their jobs. They have had their friends abandon them. They have nearly run out of money and can’t pay their bills. It seems as if, for a host of reasons, the darkness of disappointment, despair, and loneliness envelopes these ones. They feel overcome by a burdensome weight of unimaginable proportions. They experience a bleakness in their souls that strangles whatever joy they might normally experience.
Among these ones who feel such blackness, those who follow the Lord Jesus Christ have a great hope. That hope springs from the reality that Jesus is a Giver of Light. His amazing love can shine into a person’s life in a way that completely dispels the darkness. The Psalmist, writing a song of great praise to God, expressed this thought, as found in Psalm 112:4:
Even in darkness light dawns for the upright, for the gracious and compassionate and righteous one.
If you, dear Christian, are a person who feels a shroud of darkness absorbing you, turn to the Giver of Light. Ask God to allow the Light of Christ to pierce the darkness and shine through the gloom that has weighed you down. If you do this, you will find great joy in seeing your hope fulfilled, as you rest in the loving arms of the Holy Spirit within you.