Monday, August 5, 2024

Accountability in Love


Photo of a Scripture verse

“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out
their fault, just between the two of you. If
they listen to you, you have won them over.”
—Matthew 18:15

People often focus on the idea that we are not to judge others. But, this does not specifically exclude the kind of loving accountability that we are to have among our brothers and sisters in Christ. The Bible makes it very clear that there are some things we do that are sinful. In fact, the Apostle Paul often includes a significantly long list of the types of sins that can get in the way of forward Christian Spiritual Formation—spiritual growth—in the life of a believer.

While we need to always focus first on dealing with our own besetting sins, we also have a responsibility before the Lord to lovingly and tenderly help our brothers and sisters in Christ recognize and deal properly with sins that may have crept into their lives so stealthily that they have become unaware of how much of a grip those sins may have on them. This is exactly what Jesus was talking about when he gave this instruction to His disciples, as recorded in Matthew 18:15:

“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over.”

We must never talk about the sins of our brothers and sisters in Christ to others without first going directly to them and, in the most loving way possible, carefully point out the sin we have observed that is holding them back from growing in Christ. It is so very important that we do this in private. In fact, we need to take special care that no one overhears our conversation. Nor should we do this in a way that makes our brother or sister feel like we have blindsided them.

This is one of the most difficult things we do as believers. No one wants to run the risk of a broken relationship because he or she points out a genuine sin that is hindering someone’s spiritual growth. Yet, Jesus asked us to do this. He wants us to be accountable to each other. He knows that this all-important accountability will bond us together.

We are all struggling to grow in our walk with Jesus. We will do so much better, on this new day, if we help carry each other along. Let’s determine to build our relationships with our fellow believers, so that we can win their hearts and, in love, earn the right to have the kind of accountability relationships that Jesus has asked us to have.


Based on a blog originally posted on Monday, August 6, 2018

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