Thursday, August 29, 2024

A Response of Empathy


Photo of a Scripture verse

“Rejoice with those who rejoice;
mourn with those who mourn.”
—Romans 12:15

As we walk the road of life, people will cross our pathway with a wide variety of needs. Because we serve as Ambassadors of the Great King Jesus, we have a responsibility to share His love with these needy ones. But, how do we do that? The Apostle Paul gives a very simple suggestion in Romans 12:15:

Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.

Sometimes, people do not need a sermon or someone to solve their problems. In fact, most times, people do not need a sermon or problem-solver. What they need is an empathetic response to their need. It may seem all too simple. Nevertheless, the advice Paul gives is sound.

When we encounter people who are filled with joy because of something wonderful that has happened in their lives, we should rejoice with them. When we encounter people who are filled with sorrow because of something terrible that has happened in their lives, we should mourn with them.

Let’s determine today to put this simple watchword into practice. What better way to serve our King than to show the kind of empathy He would show.


Based on a blog originally posted on Thursday, August 30, 2018

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