Thursday, July 13, 2023

Reaching for the Crown


Photo of a Scripture verse

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial
because, having stood the test, that person
will receive the crown of life that the Lord
has promised to those who love him.”
—James 1:12

Apart from a visit to Burger King®, most people would never anticipate that someone might give them a crown—not some fake crown or party-favor crown—but a genuine, jewel-encrusted crown of pure gold that has inestimable value. Even so, Christians can eagerly anticipate that day when we will stand before Jesus, He will place just such a crown on our heads, and we will respond by bowing before Him and laying that crown at His feet.

The Apostle James recognized how very important this “crowning day” would be, if Christians were to understand their importance to their Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Notice what he wrote, as recorded in James 1:12:

Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.

It is possible that this very day some of us will come under attack from the enemy or be forced to endure some other trial in our lives. That’s a normal part of living in a sin-cursed world. But, God will give us the ability to make our way through whatever trial may come through the intervention in our lives by the Holy Spirit.

So, as we begin this new day, let’s grasp tightly to the truth that we will someday receive the crown of life that James talks about. And, it will be a most magnificent crown, indeed. We can use this great hope to fuel our ability to endure whatever may come our way and give glory to God for His faithfulness to us—faithfulness born out of His great love for us.

Then, we can all join with songwriter, Hentry Ostrom, and sing these words: 1

Jesus may come today,
Glad day! Glad day!
And I would see my Friend;
Dangers and troubles would end
If Jesus should come today.

Refrain: Glad day! Glad day!
Is it the crowning day?
I'll live for today, nor anxious be,
Jesus my Lord I soon shall see;
Glad day! Glad day!
Is it the crowning day?

I may go home today,
Glad day! Glad day!
Seemeth I hear their song;
Hail to the radiant throng!
If I should go home today.

Refrain: Glad day! Glad day!
Is it the crowning day?
I'll live for today, nor anxious be,
Jesus my Lord I soon shall see;
Glad day! Glad day!
Is it the crowning day?

Why should I anxious be?
Glad day! Glad day!
Lights appear on the shore,
Storms will affright nevermore,
For He is “at hand” today.

Refrain: Glad day! Glad day!
Is it the crowning day?
I'll live for today, nor anxious be,
Jesus my Lord I soon shall see;
Glad day! Glad day!
Is it the crowning day?

Faithful I'll be today,
Glad day! Glad day!
And I will freely tell
Why I should love Him so well,
For He is my all today.

Refrain: Glad day! Glad day!
Is it the crowning day?
I'll live for today, nor anxious be,
Jesus my Lord I soon shall see;
Glad day! Glad day!
Is it the crowning day?


1 Ostrom, Henry and Charles H. Marsh. “Is It the Crowning Day?” Nashville, Tennessee: The Rodeheaver Company—Word Entertainment, 1910 and 1988.


Based on a blog originally posted on Thursday, July 13, 2017

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