Thursday, July 6, 2023

Filled with Joy


Photo of a Scripture verse

“May the God of hope fill you
with all joy and peace as you
trust in him, so that you may
overflow with hope by the
power of the Holy Spirit.”
—Romans 15:13

What fills up our lives? Are we filled with good feelings and positive attitudes? Or, are we bathed in negativity and discouragement, even depression? It’s really quite important to examine ourselves to determine what fills up our lives.

In closing his letter to the Christians gathered at the church in Rome, the Apostle Paul expresses a word of blessing—or benediction—for these dear ones. Paul’s words resonate down through the ages to us today. Notice what he writes in Romans 15:13:

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Hope is one of the most powerful emotions that we can possess. It is a positive reality and gigantic antidote against a whole laundry list of negative emotions. The source of hope springs forth from the trust that we have in the God who loves us. He is the One who gives us genuine joy and real peace. Out of those two key elements, hope arises within us that will carry us through the struggles and trials that may assail our lives.

As we begin another new day, let’s pray for each other and pronounce this blessing of the Apostle Paul. Let’s ask God to grant those dear to us hearts and minds that are filled with joy, so that hope may rule in their emotions. That would be a very good thing to do this day.


Based on a blog originally posted on Thursday, July 6, 2017

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