Friday, December 18, 2020

Ever Thankful, Ever Praising


[Graphic of Zechariah praises God]

And his [John the Baptist’s] father
Zechariah was filled with the Holy Spirit
and prophesied, saying, “Praise be to
the Lord, God of Israel, because he has
come and has redeemed his people. He has
raised up a horn of salvation for us in
the house of his servant David, as he
said through his holy prophets long ago.”
—Luke 1:68-70

Zechariah had been silent for nine months. God had taken away Zechariah’s ability to speak because of his reluctance to believe the news that the angel had brought about the birth of a son in his old age. Thus, Zechariah knew what it meant to be punished by the Lord for a lack of faith—a serious breach of obedience.

In contrast, upon the birth of his son, God restored Zechariah’s ability to speak. And, the very first thing Zechariah does is prophesy because of the filling of the Holy Spirit. The words Zechariah speaks are flowing with praise and joy over what God has done in providing a means of salvation through the soon-to-happen birth of God’s one and only Son, Jesus.

Zechariah’s own son, who would become known as “John the Baptist,” will play a key role in preparing the people of Israel to receive the good news that his cousin, Jesus, will preach. In fact, John the Baptist will die for expressing his unwavering faith.

As we consider how we will respond to the circumstances that invade our lives, we can learn from Zechariah that the best thing we can do is to bend our human, selfish wills to God’s divine and perfect will. Then, when we observe the miracles that God performs in our lives, we can give Him all the glory that is due Him. We can truly become ever thankful, ever praising.


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