“Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” |
—1 Corinthians 15:55 |
Honeybees have a well-earned reputation for having only one shot at inflicting pain. That’s because God created them with a barbed stinger that stays in the stung person or animal. Once they honeybees lose their stinger, they no longer pose a threat. In fact, in certain cases, the tearing off of that stinger results in the honeybee’s death.
Because of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ, death can only intrude into the lives of humans who belong to God just one time. When we pass from this earth to eternal life, that one-and-only sting is felt by all those we have left behind. But, for our own sakes, we are moving from this life to the next. We leave behind our sin-stained bodies and receive new life in Christ.
The power of the resurrection is expressed by the Apostle Paul this way in 1 Corinthians 15:55:
Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?
For believers, Christ has defeated death. He has overruled its power. He has turned darkness to light. And, we who belong to Him through faith receive a great benefit. So, at the beginning of this new day, let’s rejoice that death no longer has an eternal hold on us. Rather, because our Savior overcame death, sin, and Satan, we will find that death’s sting is gone forever.