For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. |
—John 3:17 |
As the world watches with puzzlement and concern that so many Christians take the celebration of Advent and Christmas seriously, those same people ask themselves:
“Why did Jesus come to earth? Why would God want to leave heaven to come here?”
Several years ago, our local newspaper had a full-page ad placed by David Green and the Green Family, the owners of Hobby Lobby. It featured a decidedly Evangelical Christian message about the birth of Jesus and His redemptive act on behalf humankind. Naturally, my heart soared upon seeing this unabashed testimony of God’s mercy, grace, and love.
Almost immediately, many individuals, corporations, and organizations—especially those with a more liberal or left-leaning or progressive religious, political, social, and economic persuasion—were deeply offended when they read that full-page ad. I am sad that they would feel this way. It seems as if, in the minds of such people, the “Freedom of Speech” provided by the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America only applies to secular, progressive speech and not to speech uttered by religious and social Conservatives.
But, the ad does bear on the question:
“Why did Jesus come to earth?”
Jesus answered this question when He explained, in His own words, as recorded in John 3:17:
“For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him.”
God’s intent was to provide a sinless substitute, who would die in our behalf, thus paying the death penalty for our sins. By having a holy and sinless sacrifice to pay this penalty demanded by the very nature of God’s holiness, God made a distinct choice to reconcile us to Himself.
As we march onward toward the beginning of another new year, let’s not forget the great challenge we have in clearly, yet tenderly, explaining the purpose of Jesus and the reason why we lovingly share the hope He has placed in our hearts.