I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord. |
—Ezekiel 38:23 |
God shows Himself to us in many ways each day. Most of the time, because the focus of our attention is elsewhere, we hardly notice His divine Presence.
My dear friends, Dr. David and Karen Mains at Mainstay Ministries, have long ago developed a very well-thought-through reminder of God’s daily interaction with His children. They call it the “God Hunt.”
I’ve written about the “God Hunt” in this blog several times in the past. But, in looking at the Scripture for today, I am reminded of how powerful a tool the daily “God Hunt” can become in the lives of believers. Basically, the “God Hunt” prompts us to look for God’s hand on our lives in the following specific ways:
- Any obvious answer to prayer, or …
- Any special evidence of God’s care, or …
- Any help to do God’s work in the world, or …
- Any unusual linkage or timing
In each of these four elements, if we watch the circumstances of our lives unfold each day, we will become aware of those times when God answered our prayers, showed He cares for us in some special way, gives us help to do His work in the world, or provides some unusual linkage or timing that obviously comes from Him. We can’t really consider what happens to us in the course of our daily lives as mere coincidence. No, the evidence of God’s hand is there for us to see, if we simply sharpen our eyes and look for it.
The Prophet Ezekiel records a direct instruction from God in the Bible book that bears the Prophet’s name. This is one of the end-times passages that ties in so very well with the Book of Revelation at the end of the New Testament. Basically, God is speaking through the pen of Ezekiel to remind His people that, at the end of the age, He will conquer all evil and will rule over the nations. This particular passage is found in Ezekiel 38:23:
I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord.
When this age comes to an end, God will reveal His Presence to all people in all nations. No one will be able to doubt that God is the Lord. He alone will be worshipped. He alone will be praised. His children, Israel, and all those of us Gentiles, whom He has grafted in to the line of His chosen people, will receive vindication for our faithful devotion to Him.
But, as we continue in the here and now to walk daily in the Presence of the Great King, Jesus, through the in-dwelling power of the Holy Spirit, it’s important for us to sharpen our eyes, tune our ears, and focus our minds on becoming more and more aware of His daily Presence with us. Therefore, let’s determine to go on that daily “God Hunt” and look for those times when we can clearly see God at work in our lives. If we do this simple task, we will be rewarded with a strong sense of God’s Presence and a great joy will overtake us when we realize that we truly belong to Him and live under His watchful and loving care.