Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Soaring Upward and Onward!


Photo of a Scripture verse

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew
their strength. They will soar on wings
like eagles; they will run and not grow
weary, they will walk and will not be faint.”
—Isaiah 40:31

Sometimes, when we stand at ground level, there are just some things that we cannot see clearly. But, when we find a vantage point that is significantly elevated above ground, then we can see a big enough picture to understand what’s happening around us.

In these days of personal, social, and political upheaval, when depressing thoughts seem to always lurk just around the next corner, it helps if we can gain perspective by soaring to the heights and discover a new vantage point with a better view. This is exactly what the Prophet Isaiah wanted to convey when he wrote the words recorded in Isaiah 40:31:

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and will not be faint.

In another translation of Scripture, this verse begins:

“They who wait upon the Lord …”

True hope does, in fact, embody itself in waiting on and trusting in God. So, it is reasonable to understand, when we face the annoying trials of life, that we can and should wait on God, trust in Him, and let Him be the one to solve our problems.

No better vantage point exists than that of the high-soaring eagle. If you ever have the opportunity to watch an eagle, you will note that it rarely flaps its wings. Rather, it takes advantage of the God-given aerodynamic design of its wingspan to allow it to float—to soar—very silently and gracefully high in the sky. That kind of quiet patience is what we need to face each day.

This new day, being no exception, affords us yet another opportunity to wait patiently and quietly on God. Let’s do exactly that, as we turn the trials in our lives over to His loving care. We will be so much better off if we do so.


Based on a blog originally posted on Wednesday, October 3, 2018

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