Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Quickly, Now! Quickly!


Photo of a Scripture verse

“I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.”
—Psalm 119:60

Have you ever asked someone to do something for you and instead of hopping to it they procrastinated? I am told this usually happens with children or husbands.

“Tommy! Please take the garbage out!”

“Okay, Mom. I’ll do it.” But, time passes and still the garbage remains in the house.

“Tommy! Please take the garbage out, NOW!”

“Okay, Mom. Okay, I’ll do it.” Even still, Tommy may eventually go to bed and the garbage remains. Why? Because it’s easier to say you’ll do something than to actually do it.

Imagine how God feels when He instructs us in His written Word and tells us something we need to do for our own spiritual benefit. We may say, “Yes, Lord. I will do it.” But, we don’t. We procrastinate. The Psalmist understood this and urged those singing praises to God to remember that a major part of obedience is the way in which we respond. Note these words from Psalm 119:60:

I will hasten and not delay to obey your commands.

This is a promise that the Psalmist, and those singing with him, intend to keep. Not only will they do what God asks them to do, they will hasten to do it. They will approach the task with a spirit of obedience that propels them to launch into the task at hand.

As we begin another day, let’s determine to respond in obedience to God’s written Word with enthusiasm, determination, and yes, with speed. Let’s not become spiritual procrastinators. Instead, let’s take the words of Psalm 119:60 to heart.


Based on a blog originally posted on Wednesday, August 16, 2017

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