Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Eyes Fixed on God


Photo of a Scripture verse

“My eyes are ever on the Lord…”
—Psalm 25:15a

I have never been the kind of person who would have been brave enough to attempt to climb the side of a cliff. I seem to have a built-in self-protective element that prevents me from intentionally entering into dangerous situations.

In my days as a firefighter, I relied on the protection afforded me by the equipment to assure my safety. Nevertheless, at one fire, I did fall through the floor of the attic, through the floor of the second and first floors, and ended up in the basement. Fortunately, I was not seriously injured.

I am told that those who climb cliffs and other such dangerous obstacles maintain their sense of balance by keeping their eyes fixed on a point of reference. That singular focus is what keeps them in balance and in a self-created bubble of safety.

So it is in our walk with God. He is our singular point of reference. If we keep our spiritual eyes fixed on Him, we will walk the pathway He lays out before us in relative safety. We will be able to move forward, step by step, until we ultimately reach the goal He has given us. King David seemed to understand the need to keep his eyes fixed on God. Notice David’s words in Psalm 25:14-15:

The Lord confides in those who fear him; he makes his covenant known to them. My eyes are ever on the Lord, for only he will release my feet from the snare.

As we begin a new day, we will do well if we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord. He is the one who will keep us in balance. He will enable us to do His will. He will bless the work He has assigned to us. And, He will rejoice with us when we reach the goal He has given us.


Based on a blog originally posted on Tuesday, January 24, 2017

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