Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Thoroughly Equipped


[Photo of a person writing in the Bible]

“…so that the servant of God may be
thoroughly equipped for every good work.”
—2 Timothy 3:17b

I once dreamed I had embarked on a long journey across the United States by air, but I had left my suitcase behind. When I arrived at my destination, I had nothing that I needed to effectively complete the purpose of my travels.

While this very foolish scenario was only a dream, it reminded me how important it is to make every effort to become thoroughly equipped before starting out each day. As a result of that dream, I sat down and created a lengthy checklist. I carefully thought through each item that I placed on this checklist. It included every item that I would need on a trip, including personal and medical needs. Then, I mounted this checklist next to the hook where I kept my garment bag. As I packed for each subsequent trip, I made certain that I packed every item on that checklist.

For Christians, taking care to become “fully equipped” means spending time reading, studying, and meditating on God’s written Word, the Bible. Then, it means consciously applying the truth that God reveals to the Christian in His written Word. The Apostle Paul reinforces this idea in his second letter to his “son in the faith,” Timothy, when he writes in 2 Timothy 3:16-17:

All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

As we move forward into this new day, let us determine to read, study, and meditate on God’s written Word. Then, let’s allow His truth to shine a light on our pathway, so that we may navigate safely through this dark world.


Based on a blog originally posted on Friday, August 21, 2015

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