Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Anchored in the Rock


[Photo of an anchor with words superimposed]

“Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him.”
—Psalm 62:1

As a teenager—more than 60 years ago—I was one of a five-member male gospel singing team. We traveled to churches in a 50-mile radius of my hometown, sang, and gave words of testimony. Remarkably, some churches invited us back for a second, third, and even a fourth appearance.

When we were searching for a name, I remembered that I had picked up a dozen lapel pins at an evangelistic meeting I had attended. In stark black lettering across a bright-red background, these pins displayed the words “Anchored in Christ.” So, we became the “Anchored in Christ Quintet.” And, we each wore one of these distinctive pins in the lapel of our sport coats.

I even wrote a theme song for the group, which my then girlfriend—now my wife—very reluctantly, but patiently, harmonized. Reluctantly, because she thought the tune I had created was such awful music. Fortunately to limit my embarrassment, no audio recording of that tune has survived the intervening 60 years. But, I do think I remember the words:

We’re anchored in Christ
the victory is won.
Jesus is ours
our sins are undone.
Someday He's coming
what glories we’ll see.
We’re anchored in Jesus
’tis plain to see.

Looking at those words from the viewpoint of six decades down the timeline of life, I spy a certain arrogance of my foolish youth popping through in the last line. Although one certainly should hope and pray that one’s life plainly shows the Presence of the Living Christ to whom one is firmly anchored.

You see, it really is all about Jesus. He is the Rock to which we must anchor our lives. The Psalmist testified to this very fact in Psalm 62:1-2:

Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken.

Today, as we purposely choose to follow a spiritual plane in our lives, I am not at all ashamed to urge us to anchor our lives by connecting fully and deeply to our Savior. We do well to allow Him absolute control over our hearts, minds, souls, and strength.


Based on a blog originally posted on Thursday, July 23, 20155

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