Friday, April 2, 2021

Run! Run! Run! Run!


[Graphic of a Scripture verse]

“The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”
—John 6:29

Busy, busy, busy! We live in a busy world. Day after day, we seem consumed with busy activities. Even over the last year when we have essentially become confined to our homes, our days fill up with busy things that we feel we must do.

One time, nearly 40 years ago, a colleague at the insurance company where I worked told me he was so busy he had lost track of exactly what work he was supposed to do. His statement reminded me of an incident that had occurred just a few weeks before we spoke to each other. Please let me share it with you.

In those long ago days, I traveled extensively during each business year. I averaged 39 weeks each year on the road. Most of my travel was by airplane. In fact, I amassed nearly two million miles on Delta airlines.

One day in the middle of the week, I had boarded an airplane very early in the morning. The plane took off and after a couple of hours landed smoothly and safely at our destination. I had been dozing during the flight and missed the usual landing announcement given by the flight attendant.

As we left the airplane and walked into the gate area, I suddenly realized I had no idea where I was or why I was there. I had to sit down, pull out my daily calendar and read the entry to discover what city I was supposed to have arrived at and for what purpose I had flown to that city.

In fairness, this was my third flight that week. And, during that time I had four or five appointments. Nevertheless, I was startled to realize that I had become so busy I had lost track of my destination and purpose for this particular business trip.

Keeping the task at hand fully in our minds is, obviously, very important. But, exactly what is the work that God wants us to do in this world?

Jesus answered just such a question from His disciples in John 6:28-29:

Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

As we begin another day, let’s fix our minds and hearts on God’s mission to our corner of the world: to share what God has done in our lives, so that the Holy Spirit may draw those whom God has chosen to belong to Himself.

We need to share our belief in the One that God has sent to be our Savior and Lord, His Son Jesus. And, we must not lose track of the task at hand.


Originally posted on Wednesday, April 1, 2015

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