13 For you have delivered me from death
and my feet from stumbling,
that I may walk before God
in the light of life.—The words of King David from Psalm 51:13
Mike Bolinger is what I call “my friend-once-removed.” By that I mean I have become friends with Mike’s dearly beloved wife of 37 years, Lynne. I met Lynne on-line through my participation on The Dennis Miller Radio Show Message Board. Lynne is one of those people who has crossed the pathway of my life and of whom God has whispered in my ear, “She belongs to Me!”
Lynne and Mike met while attending Wheaton College. Because Wheaton College and Houghton College, my alma mater, have long been academic rivals, I felt an instant connection with the Bolingers.
I had met Lynne on-line soon after she and Mike learned that he had been diagnosed with terminal abdominal cancer and was expected to die within a few short months. I joined hundreds praying earnestly and ferevently for Mike and Lynne. The doctors were very certain with their diagnosis. But, God continues to have other plans.
Yes, Mike is still “terminally ill” with cancer. But, God has spared him from death for well over two and a half years. I believe that God did that, as He does most things, to bring honor, glory, majesty, and power to His Blessed and Holy Name.
The video below is of a testimony that Mike gave on October 16, 2011, during the morning worship service at the church he and Lynne attend, Oakbook Church in Kokomo, Indiana.
This video of Mike’s testimony is a bit shy of 40 minutes long. If you will take the time to watch it, I guarantee you will find that it will be 40 minutes well spent. Please click here to take a look:
If you’re anything like me, Mike’s testimony moved you deeply. May I ask you to join me in praying for Mike and for Lynne. I am not afraid to ask God for a miracle of total healing for Mike. I am also comfortable letting God be God and decide what He wants to do. Yet, whenever it comes to prayer for healing, I am compelled by very clear instructions from the Apostle James.
If you would like to keep tabs on Mike and Lynne, and also read some of the wonderful posts about their faith journey, please click here to read their blog.
Will you pray with me?
Thank You, God, for loving us. Thank You for sending Jesus to be our Savior. Thank You for sending us Your Holy Spirit to dwell within us. Thank you for Mike’s testimony of Your grace in His life. Please continue to hold him—and Lynne, too—in the Hollow of Your Mighty Hand.
We ask You, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to totally heal Mike. We ask You to erradicate every cancer cell from Mike’s body. We ask You to cover Mike—from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet—with the precious blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, as protection from every evil that might try to come against Your perfect will for Mike.
We want to learn from Mike’s example. We cling to the hope that You have given us through the power of Christ’s resurrection. Help us to let the Light of Christ’s Presence shine through us each day. May that shining Light from within us become a testimony of Your love to everyone who may cross our pathway. We pray in the blessed Name of Jesus, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

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