Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Why Not Just Forget The Past?


“Forget the former things; do not dwell
on the past. See, I am doing a new
thing! Now it springs up; do you not
perceive it? I am making a way in the
wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”
—Isaiah 43:18-19

As a blogger who has written many blog posts, I receive some very interesting reactions to certain posts that I have created. If you read my blog posts regularly, you know that I often illustrate my point by making reference to something that I’ve experienced over the course of my 77 years of life. Some of those illustrations come from my childhood.

I refer to these events in my life, when I believe they help explain the way I think, or the way I feel about the subject at hand. However, by making reference to the things I’ve experienced, I have drawn criticism from some readers who say:

“Can’t you forget about your past? Why don’t you just move on with your life?”

I always smile when I read such comments. I won’t take a drug that will erase my memory. My background in Psychology has taught me that what has happened in my past has significantly shaped both my present and my future. This remains true unless some greatly significant event turns my world upside down. Beside that fact, I have moved on with my life. But, I have done so recognizing what has shaped me into the person that I am. If that is true for me, why then does God give these words of instruction to the people of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, as recorded in Isaiah 43:18-19:

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

At the time this passage of Scripture was written. the Northern Kingdom of Israel had already been taken into captivity. Their sin had brought the wrath of God upon them, and He had turned them over to their enemies. The Southern Kingdom of Judah had remained more or less faithful to God. As a result, God had continued to protect them from their enemies. But, as they continue to toy with sin, eventually they, too, will be captured at the point when God lifts His hand of protection from their unrepentant hearts and minds.

So, these words from God have a unique relevance. Yes, their lives are shaped by what has happened in the past. But now, God is going to do something new that will turn their world upside down. He will open up a new pathway for them that will lead them through the wasteland of their lives and bring refreshing streams bubbling to the surface of this barren, desert land.

Back in 1925, Mrs. Charles (Lettie B.) Cowman wrote a delightful little devotional book entitled Streams in the Desert 1. Its name came from this passage in Isaiah referenced above. I commend this book to anyone who wants to read some heartfelt expressions of deep devotion to Christ and His Kingdom. The original book has been updated by an editor and continues to be available in various forms, including a daily on-line devotional.

As we begin a new day, let’s not lose sight of the fact that what we have experienced in our pasts has, indeed, shaped who we are. But, let’s not become mired down with past experiences. Instead, let’s realize that in our relationship to God through His Son, Jesus, all things have become new. By loving us, forgiving us, and setting us on a path toward holiness, God has turned our world upside down. We can benefit greatly by heeding His words to the people of Judah—this day and every day.

Cowman, Lettie B. and James Reimann, editor. Streames in the Desert. Nashville, TN: Zondervan–HarperCollins Christian Publishing Company, 1999. Citation of Copyrighted material is made on this blog post for Educational Fair Use illustration purposes only. All Rights Reserved by the original Copyright Holder.


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