15 This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says:
“In repentance and rest is your salvation,
in quietness and trust is your strength...”—The words of the God through the Prophet Isaiah from Isaiah 30:15
The holidays have come to an end. The hustle and bustle of these days have given way to a sense of quiet. Some may even feel an emptiness because all of the celebration has concluded.
But, maybe that quietness is a good thing. Maybe the quietness gives us a purposeful opportunity.
In the Scripture passage at the beginning of this blog post, the Prophet Isaiah forthtells a message from God. In that message, our Precious Father reminds us that “in quietness and trust is your strength.” Did you ever suppose that your strength might find a root in quietness and trust?
Every person who desires to follow the pathway that God has laid out before him or her needs a time to pause and sit in quiet. For, in that quiet, we can most clearly hear God’s voice.
Let me urge you to find a place of quiet. Before this new year has taken flight, sit in quiet. Allow God to speak to your heart and mind. Open your will to Him.
Nearly forty years ago, Max and Lucy Mace and the Heritage Singers recorded a devotional song that beautifully expresses the kind of peaceful rest we can find in quiet, as we fellowship with our loving Father. Please click here to watch this video.
I hope that in this new year, you will find a place of quiet in which you can recharge. Our busy world takes quite a toll on each of us. We need to rest in quiet in the Presence of our faithful and loving God.
Will you pray with me?
Thank You, God, for loving us. Thank You for sending Jesus to be our Savior. Thank You for sending us Your Holy Spirit to dwell within us.
We ask You to remind us often that we need to get alone in a place of quiet, so that we can more clearly hear Your voice. Please continue to speak to us through Your Word. Teach us how to love you and serve you.
By the indwelling power of the Holy Spirit, we ask You to make this year a year of victory over sin and selfishness. Help us to think more about others than we do ourselves. Help us to put You first in all things.
Thank You, dear Father, for Your amazing patience with us. And, thank You for hearing our prayer in and through the precious Name of Your Son, our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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