In the face of the recent financial "baleout" actions by Congress and the new President of the United States, many people ask, "What is a trillion dollars?"
A few Sundays ago, during his sermon at Saddleback Church in Forest Hills, California, Pastor Rick Warren answered that question by giving a very clever explanation. I have taken the liberty to expand Pastor Rick's explanation a bit, as follows:
What is a trillion dollars? A trillion dollars is one million-million dollars. That’s a “1” followed by 12 zeros.
If you started a business on the day that the Lord Jesus Christ was born;
And if you were a really poor business person and lost $1 million every day you ran your business;
By next Sunday, March 8, 2009, you would have only lost $733 billion 475 million.
In other words, you would not yet have lost $1 trillion.
In order to eventually lose $1 trillion, you would have to continue to lose $1 million each day for 266,153 more days, or until November 20, 2737.
That’s right, you would have to keep losing $1 million each day for the next 737 years!
When you consider that, after Congress and the current President put into effect all their spending programs, the United States will be $12 trillion in debit, it totally staggers the mind.
It seems quite reasonable to react to such news with fear and dread. Fortunately, we—who belong to God, through the resurrection power of the Living Lord Jesus Christ—have access to all of God's riches. We know that God, our Father, created all things. He is the ultimate owner of "the cattle on a thousand hills and the wealth in every mine; He is the owner of the rocks and rills, the sun and the stars that shine."
So, whether we can comprehend how much money constitutes $1 trillion or not, we can rest without fear in the center of His will, knowing that He will care for us. We can face today and tomorrow unafraid.

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