Okay. So I once said I would never, never create a blog.
I have finally given in to the burst of technology and risen to support this method of free speech.
For years, I sent out an almost daily e-mail newsletter to an ever-growing list of "friends." Some said they enjoyed what I had to say. Others followed the instructions I offered and asked to be removed from the e-mail list.
Now, I guess, it will be up to each reader to decided whether or not to return and see what has spilled out of my no-longer-so-fertile brain.
Did you wonder why I chose the name "Suppressing-the-Fire?" Starting from the age of 12 I have had an interest in fire protection. Until disability overcame me, I worked all of my adult life in the field of fire protection. Since it is likely that the majority of these posts will deal with spiritual matters, the title may seem somewhat strange. All the better to capture someone's interest, I suppose.
I have no grand plan laid out as I begin to wind my way through the blogosphere. If you wish to hop on board for a while, I extend a welcoming hand to help you up. Perhaps together we can share some moments that will prove beneficial to us both.

Copyright © 2008 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.
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