Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Burden Carriers


[Photo of travelers with Scripture verse superimposed]

“Carry each other’s burdens…”
—Galatians 6:2a

There are many advantages to belonging to God through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus, on Calvary’s cruel cross. Great joy comes from being a part of a community of believers with like-minded, precious faith.

Among those special blessings is the opportunity to support one another during life’s most difficult trials. We Christians—or “Christ’s-ones”—have the joy and responsibility to help carry the burdens imposed by the difficulties that come during the course of our lives.

We help carry the burdens of our brothers and sisters in Christ through prayer, acts of kindness, very practical things we can do to help, and a host of other ways.

Sometimes this “burden carrying” requires significant effort on our part. Other times the help we give may seem very simple to us, but means a great deal to the one we are helping.

My disability prevents me from doing many things, including climbing stairs. Recently, I purchased a new dehumidifier via the internet. When it arrived, I had no way to move it down to the basement.

As I puzzled over what to do, a dear brother in Christ called just to check in with me. He noted the stress in my voice. I explained my dilemma. Twenty minutes later, he arrived at my door, carried the dehumidifier down to the basement, set it up, and with a smile was on his way. That’s literally what “burden carrying” is all about.

The Apostle Paul instructed the Christians in the church at Galatia in Galatians 6:2 to:

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

This day, let us be alert for any opportunity that might come our way to be a carrier of others’ burdens. This will please our Father very much.


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