One particularly helpful bit of assistance I have received during this time of trouble has come from a sermon preached by Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Community Church in Forrest Hills, California on Sunday, May 31st, titled “Part 4: Growing A Heart Like Jesus.”
Pastor Rick talks about four steps that will activate the Lordship of Christ in one’s life and help develop a heart like Jesus. He suggests these critical mindsets:
1. Care only about the things that Jesus cares about.
2. Be indifferent to all the things that Jesus is indifferent about.
3. Be angry only about the things that Jesus is angry about.
4. Sacrifice only for the things that Jesus sacrificed.
As we walk along the pathway that God has laid out for us each day, I suggest that we keep these four mindsets in the forefront of our thinking. Let’s ask the Holy Spirit to enflesh the truth of these mindsets into the very core of our beings.
If we do, I think we will have a much better chance of keeping our perspective, as we follow in Christ’s footsteps and serve as His ambassadors to a lost and troubled world.

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