Friday, May 26, 2023

Who Shall Separate Us? - Part 2


Photo of a Scripture verse

“For I am convinced that neither death
nor life, neither angels nor demons,
neither the present nor the future, nor
any powers, neither height nor depth,
nor anything else in all creation, will
be able to separate us from the love
of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.-”
—Romans 8:38-39

In yesterday’s blog post, I examined the question of whether or not love could ever become permanent. I suggested that with humans there was some evidence to support the idea that a definitive answer did not exist. While some people seem to love each other forever, others seem to love each other only for a season—sometimess an all-too-brief a season.

I explained how the Apostle Paul had posed this very question to the Christians at Rome. And, I hinted that, in today’s blog post, I would offer Paul’s startlingly positive answer. Indeed, here’s what Paul wrote in Romans 8:38-39:

For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

So, the answer is, indeed, a resounding “Yes!” God’s love for us is permanent. He will never turn His back on us. He will never become a fickle lover. Instead, we can rest securely on the foundation of His love for both time and for eternity.

How does that change us? Once we belong to God, how does the permanence of His love shape our new world?

God’s unfailing, undying love gives us a love that we can surely pass on to others as a love that will never fail. God-breathed love does not depend on our emotions. It does not depend on which side of the bed we got up on in the morning. It does not waver when someone behaves badly toward us, or hurts our feelings, or turns his or her back on us, or even seems to betray us, our love, or our trust.

God-breathed love comes from the heart of the God who loves us with a love so rooted in His very nature that it can’t help but bring with it a power so enormous that no opposition from any other force can possible repel it. Let’s rejoice today that God breathes His ever-enduring love into us, so that we might share that love with others.

Yes, God’s love can last. He will never allow us, His dear children, to be separated from His love. And, this God-breathed love can give us a love that we can share with others, a love that has divine power to bind us inseparably to those we love.


Based on a blog originally posted on Friday, May 26, 2017

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