Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Finding True Love


Photo of a Scripture verse

“You, Lord, are forgiving and good,
abounding in love to all who call to you.”
—Psalm 86:5

The Internet has many instances of countless services to help people find the so-called “true love” of their lives. And, there’s no question that these sites have some success. Although it will be interesting to see if in the future some sociologist/researcher will make a name for himself or herself by studying the long-term viability of marriages that begin with on-line dating. Please don’t misunderstand me. I know a number of individuals who have met on-line. Their marriages seem secure. Several of them are devoted to Christ and His Kingdom. Their marriages appear as shining examples of the kind of bonding that God intends the marriage between a man and a woman to exhibit.

So, how do we find “true love”? And, what is “true love” after all? If we look for human love, perhaps there are many different answers to these questions. But, if we look for eternal love, I know for a fact there is one, and only one, answer. The Psalmist understood this very well when he wrote the words found in Psalm 86:5:

You, Lord, are forgiving and good, abounding in love to all who call to you.

God is the one who abounds in love. He is the One who has such amazing love that He sent His one and only Son to die on a cruel cross of torture to pay the penalty for the sins of all mankind. He is the God who, out of all the humans who have ever lived, has chosen certain individuals whom He wishes to call to Himself and belong to Himself for all eternity.

We humans don’t have the intellectual and spiritual capabilities to understand why God makes the choices that He makes. But, we can and do experience the result of those choices. For those He has chosen, He has revealed to them by the Holy Spirit the great gift He has given them of salvation from their sins through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

The call of God on a person’s life is irresistible. His call is certain. His call is powerful. As the Holy Spirit reveals what God has done, there is a deep realization that arises within the heart and mind of such a person that inevitably causes him or her to welcome, with great thanksgiving, the reality of what God has done for him or her.

This is what the Psalmist experienced. He came to know the God who loved him with everlasting love. His response was the words the Psalmist wrote in this Psalm.

Searching for some other human to love you? I cannot help you. Searching for an everlasting love from the Triune God—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—Creator of All, Ruler of All? For this search, I can easily offer a very hopeful answer.

You see the very fact that a person is searching for God, guarantees that God is calling that one to come and receive His gift of salvation. On the other hand, if such a person already knows that he or she belongs to God, then that one can validate exactly what I am suggesting. And, that dear ones, is the most comforting realization we can ever experience.


Based on a blog originally posted on Wednesday, May 3, 2017

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