Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Struggling Against Evil


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood,
but against the rulers, against the authorities,
against the powers of this dark world and against
the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
—Ephesians 6:12

When a soldier goes into battle, it is important that he or she knows who the enemy is. That was one of the very frustrating things that happened during the Viet Nam War. My friends who fought in that conflict tell many stories of how very difficult it was to tell the difference between individuals who were fighting for the enemy and individuals who were our allies in the fight.

Unlike previous wars where uniforms made it relatively easy to tell who was the enemy, the conflict in Viet Nam and almost all subsequent wars have not relied on typical conventions that would make it clear who the enemy is. This makes the job of those defending freedom very difficult.

In our spiritual lives, we sometimes lose sight of who our enemy is. Satan’s desire is to destroy us. But, we sometimes let his diversionary tactics catch our eye and take us off course. It is important that we never forget who our enemy is. That’s what prompted the Apostle Paul to write these words found in Ephesians 6:12:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

As we begin a new day, let’s keep a sharp focus on who wants to destroy us. Let’s not forget who our enemy is. Then, let’s cling tightly to the One who loves us with His everlasting and unfailing love.


Copyright © 2020 by Dean K. Wilson. All Rights Reserved.