Thursday, March 26, 2020

God Will Give Us Strength


[Photo of a Scripture verse]

“Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.”
—Ephesians 6:10

Watching a true craftsman at work always proves instructive. I can remember visiting the shop of a cabinet maker in my home town. My dad had trained as a journeyman carpenter and eventually hung up his tool belt in favor of selling appliances and later hotel and restaurant supplies. But, my dad always told me the best carpenters were the cabinet makers.

As I watched this skilled craftsman work on what would become a fine piece of furniture, I saw him use tools that I had never seen before. These were specialized tools designed to make some intricate part of cabinet making go more efficiently and more smoothly. I also recognized that the way the cabinet maker approached each task was the result of thousands of hours of working to perfect his craft.

On another occasion, I watched a journeyman plumber install some water piping. Again I saw specialized tools that made the task easier and more efficient. But, I also again saw the level of skill that this plumber had acquired over thousands of hours of work.

In removing a particularly tight joint, the plumber changed up his normal pipe wrench for one much larger. I realized that he was using a principle of physics to gain greater leverage to break apart the joint that may have sat there for thirty years or more. The larger wrench gave the plumber the leverage he needed to loosen the joint. He also made good use of the helper he had brought with him to the job. For there were certain task that one person could not do alone. Even this very skilled workman needed help—additional strength—to complete the task.

God has given us the ability to draw strength from Him when we need help to complete the work He has given us to do on His behalf. This is exactly what the Apostle Paul had in mind when he wrote the words found in Ephesians 6:10:

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

We who belong to God through His precious Son, Jesus, do not need to rely solely on our own abilities and strength. We can fully trust God to give us His strength to complete whatever task He has called us to do.

As we begin this new day, let’s remember that we need not do God’s work by ourselves. He is willing to give us His eternal and almighty strength to finish whatever task we have begun. That should enable us to proceed without hesitation in doing His work in this needy world.


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