Wednesday, November 1, 2023

Let Us Go At Once


Photo of a Scripture verse

The inhabitants of one city will go to another and
say, “Let us go at once to entreat the Lord and
seek the Lord Almighty. I myself am going.”
—Zechariah 8:21

Has anyone ever called you on the phone and, as you answered, you heard that one say, “Please! Come quickly!”? Those kinds of calls strike terror into the hearts of parents and dear friends. Someone is in trouble and needs help.

That sense of urgency prevailed at the time of the Prophet Zechariah. He was concerned about the spiritual condition of the people. God had given Zechariah a very strong message. It was a message of repentance. Sin had prevailed in the land. Zechariah was calling the people to turn aside from their sin and return to God.

We properly refer to Zechariah’s message as a “Call for Revival.” The word “revival” means “a coming to life again.” That which was considered dead is now brought to life again with a fresh and energized vitality.

Revival is not a series of special meetings, where a sweat-soaked preacher tells stories of the fiery dreads of hell and urges people to come to the front of the church and become saved. No, revival is a sweeping movement of the Holy Spirit that ignites a spiritual fire within the hearts of the people that causes them to spontaneously seek God in a new and fresh way.

In our land today, we desperately need a revival. We need to experience that sweeping movement of the Holy Spirit calling people back to God and away from the sin that has so clouded our judgment and cursed our nation. We need modern Zechariahs who will issue the same kind of call that the Prophet gave all those many years ago. We need to heed his words today, as found in Zechariah 8:21:

The inhabitants of one city will go to another and say, “Let us go at once to entreat the Lord and seek the Lord Almighty. I myself am going.”

As we begin a new day, let’s not be afraid to say to one another, “Let’s go at once! I myself am going! I am going to pray that God will send a revival. I urge you to join me in that prayer.” Yes, let’s do just that.


Based on a blog originally posted on Wednesday, November 1, 2017

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