Monday, August 28, 2023

Abundant Showers


Photo of a Scripture verse

“You gave abundant showers, O God;
you refreshed your weary inheritance.”
—Psalm 68:9

Do you like the sound of falling rain? Most people find that distinctive sound very relaxing. In fact, among all the sounds available on many white noise-generating iPhone Apps, the sound of falling rain is, by far, the most popular.

Yes, we all realize that flood waters can be very destructive. So, too much falling rain, or melting snow, can cause a serious disaster. But, that doesn’t diminish the soothing effect that the sound of falling rain evokes.

There is also something very refreshing in falling rain. Where I grew up, in the inland valleys of central northwestern Pennsylvania, on very hot, humid summer days, we would long for a rainstorm that would dispel the humidity. Years later, when I lived in Connecticut, I was surprised that falling summer rain in that locale did little to reduce the stickiness of the air.

We have all seen the famous scene from the movie Singin’ in the Rain, starring Gene Kelly, Donald O’Connor, and Debbie Reynolds. Kelly displays his classic choreography, while holding an umbrella and singing the title song from the movie. There is something so lighthearted and free about this routine that it has earned its way into the hearts of millions of theater lovers worldwide.

Falling rain is truly a gift from God. It soothes us, refreshes us, cleanses us, brings water to crops, and does so many wonderful things. That is why King David celebrated falling rain as a symbol of God’s goodness. Notice what David writes in Psalm 68:9:

You gave abundant showers, O God; you refreshed your weary inheritance.

Not only does God refresh the inheritance of His love and grace through falling rain, our Father also uses this imagery to talk about times of spiritual renewal or revival. Numerous songwriters have captured the image of falling rain as a symbol of a great, sweeping movement of the Holy Spirit that brings new energy and new life to faithful believers.

As we step out into a new day, let’s take a moment to ask God to send a spiritual rainfall that will cleanse and refresh our souls. As we consistently do this, day after day, God will hear and answer our prayers. Then, we will experience all of the benefits that come from the abundant showers of God’s choicest and richest blessings.


Based on a blog originally posted on Monday, August 28, 2017

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