Monday, March 20, 2023

Peace in Him


Photo of a Scripture Verse

“I have told you these things, so
that in me you may have peace.”
—John 16:33

I answered the telephone and her voice was barely above a whisper.

“Where are you calling from?” I asked, thinking that maybe someone was trying to harm her and she was talking softly to avoid detection.

“I’m in the closet in the back of the guest room. Nobody ever comes in here,” she replied quietly.

“Are you hiding from someone? Is someone trying to hurt you?”

“Yes, I’m hiding. And, no, no one is trying to harm me,” she replied with a bit of an edge of emotion in her whispered voice.

“Well, then, who are you hiding from?” I asked.

“My family,” she replied. “They always drive me nuts when they’re home during vacation or holidays. So, I sneak away to this closet to get some peace and quiet. While I was here, I thought I would call you. I needed to hear a friendly voice.”

Peace and quiet—sometimes everyone just longs for a time of peace and quiet. You may not be at all bothered by your family during vacation or holiday times. But, maybe you’re one who feels that the pressure builds up at work—phones ringing, constant interruptions, fellow workers joking around, odd smells, noise…noise…NOISE!

Whatever your situation, you are in a very small minority if you don’t sometimes long for peace and quiet. It seems as if we all need to find a quiet place to pull ourselves together from time to time.

Jesus understood that those who follow Him would often get more than a little tired of the constant battle against evil. Satan is continually trying to destroy us. Any doubt of that, just read the oft quoted passage in 1 Peter 5:8-9 about Satan being a prowling lion looking for whom he might destroy.

Because our Savior understands all our needs, He certainly understands our need for peace. That’s why, after explaining to His disciples what would happen to Him, and to them, in the days ahead, He assured them by sharing these words found in John 16:33:

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus is our overcomer. He has vanquished evil’s last effort to reach its goal. We still must deal with that battle until Christ returns again. But, the victory is already won.

We can find our perfect peace and rest in the loving arms of our Savior. Jesus loves us and cares for us as a loving brother would care for his siblings. We can put our trust in Him. And, best of all, we can find true peace.

So, no hiding in the guest room closet, as you begin this day! Instead, just cling to the Savior. He will supply you with all the peace you need.


Based on a blog originally posted on Monday, March 20, 2017

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