Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Follow Directions


Photo of a man and a woman with a Scripture verse superimposed

“I will never forget your precepts, for
by them you have preserved my life.”
—Psalm 119:93

Years ago I heard a story about a man who traveled to New York City by train in order to meet with a potential client. He had never visited the Big Apple, so it was quite an eye-opening experience for him. When the time came for him to return to Grand Central Station to catch his train ride home, he suddenly seemed lost in the midst of the crowded sidewalks. Seeing a police officer on horseback, he caught the officer’s attention and asked him for directions to the train station.

“Do you see that intersection about three blocks ahead? When you reach that point, go to the left and you’ll be right.”

“Are you sure,” asked the puzzled visitor. “I would have sworn that I should turn to the right.”

“Okay,” replied the policeman. “It’s up to you. When you reach that intersection three blocks ahead, go to the right and you’ll be left.”

Proper directions always guide our pathway, if we will only listen, remember, and obey. That seems like a reasonable assumption to make. And, it is exactly the point the Psalmist wants to impress on those who would sing the Psalm he wrote, as recorded in Psalm 119:93:

I will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life.

When we read God’s written Word, the Bible, and learn about those things that God expects us to do in obedience to His perfect will for our lives, we should pay close attention, remember what God has said, and then obey His instructions. If we do that, we will certainly find that following those directions has preserved our lives. Through good times and bad times, obeying God’s instructions will ultimately bring us to the place God wants us to be.

As we begin a new day, let’s make this a day of obedience in our walk with God. We will please Him and we will greatly benefit ourselves.


Based on a blog originally posted on Monday, August 29, 2016

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